1) using coarse language; vulgar and evil; containing abuse or slander a) scurrilous  b) inexorable c) obstinate d) amicable 2) adhering to an opinion or purpose in spite of reason; not easily subdued a) obstinate b) inexorable c) scurrilous d) amicable 3) not to be persuaded, moved or stopped; relentless a) inexorable b) amicable c) scurrilous d) obstinate 4) characterized by friendly goodwill a) amicable b) obstinate c) inexorable d) scurrilous 5) a ghostly figure; a spectre, a wraith a) appariton b) amicable c) inexorable d) scurrilous 6) not principled; not acting in regard for what is considered right and proper a) unscrupulous b) inexorable c) appariton d) amicable 7) an evil spirit that lies on persons in their sleep a) incubus b) unscrupulous c) apparition d) amicable 8) to divorce or separate formally from (a woman); to reject as untrue or refuse to accept a) repudiate b) incubus c) apparition d) amicable 9) inconsiderate and thoughtless a) heedless b) amicable 10) a bottomless pit or chaos of old cosmogonies; immeasurably deep; intellectual or moral depths a) abyss b) amicable c) heedless d) apparition 11) afraid, frightening a) timorous b) apparition 12) lustful a) lascivious b) apparition c) timorous d) amicable 13) unfairness a) iniquity b) apparition c) lascivious d) amicable 14) proclaim; to make (an idea, belief, etc.) known to many people; to make (a new law) known officially and publicly a) promulgate b) apparition c) iniquity d) lascivious 15) with all possible speed a) post-haste b) lascivious 16) a dishonest person; a person who sells quack medicines from a platform; swindler a) mountebank b) lascivious c) post-haste d) apparition 17) led by deception a) beguiled b) post-haste c) mountebank d) lascivious 18) the act of eating human flesh by other human beings a) anthropophagy b) beguiled c) mountebank d) lascivious 19) hard-hearted a) flinty b) mountebank c) anthropophagy d) beguiled 20) corrective a) corrigible b) flinty c) anthropophagy d) mountebank 21) a man whose wife is unfaithful a) cuckold b) anthropophagy c) corrigible d) mountebank 22) a model of excellence or perfection ;compares with, rivals a) paragon b) corrigible 23) conspicuous; standing out from the mass a) egregious b) paragon 24) worthy of hatred a) odious b) paragon c) egregious d) corrigible





