____ was the founder of Black History Month. This month honored and taught other about the contributions of ____. It is celebrated during the entire month of ____. Black History Month started off as Black History ____ by Woodson, and then took another ____ years to be recognized by the U.S government. He chose February to celebrate Black History Month, because it held the birthdays of ____ and ____. Fredrick Douglas was an ____, who escaped slavery and later bought his ____. Abraham Lincoln was the ____ president, and led the Nation through the American ____. In 2016, it was voted that ____ would replace ____ on the 20 dollar bill in the year of ____. There has been a delay with the process of this for many reasons. One reason is working through ____ issues that may potentially occur. Others also believed that the 10 dollar bill should be changed from ____ to an African American woman figure also. However, the ____ explains that everyone cannot be pleased, and this will be process that takes time.

Black History Unit and Project Wrap Up!




