stopover / layover - a short stay somewhere between two parts of a journey, connecting flight - a second flight where you have had to change planes, departure lounge - the place at an airport where you wait for your flight, duty-free shop - a shop in an airport or on a ship, etc. that sells things like cigarettes, alcohol, perfume, etc. without tax on them , air traveller - a passenger on a plane, frustrating - disapponting, bad, sad, tourist attraction - a building which is popular for tourists, expand tours - create the same tours in other places, leave the airport - вийти з аеропорту, miss the flight - пропустити літак, catch the flight - встигнути на літак, guided tour - тур з гідом, countryside - пригород, pick up the traveller - зустріти людину, see the sights - дивитись цікаві місця, worldwide - по всьому світу, be terrified - наляканий, be on your own - самі по собі, immediate success - миттєвий успіх, look forward to the tour - чекати з нетерпінням на тур,

EF A2 unit 3A TripAside vocabulary




