Did you speak English over the holidays? Who with?  , Did you read anything in English, or see an English film? Which one? , Did you celebrate New Year’s Eve? What did you do? Were these holidays ’typical’ holidays?  , Did you do anything different? What? , Did you have a special meal during the holidays? What did you eat? , Can you think of TWO things you were happy about from last year?  , What are you looking forward to this year? If you aren’t you looking forward to this year, why aren’t you?  , Here are some popular New Year Resolutions. Would you like to do any of them? quit smoking, eat more healthily, do more exercise, lose weight, learn a language , Are you going to take a holiday or trip somewhere different this year? Where are you going to go?  , Did you make any New Year Resolutions? What were they?  , Have you ever made a New Year Resolution? What was it? Were you successful? , If you had another week of holidays, what would you do?  , What TWO things would you like to see or do this year?, What are you thankful for? Why?, What do you want to achieve this year? How will you do it?.




