Primeri iz naše zajednice
401 rezultata za „myteachingstuff”
Tenses review #my_teaching_stuff
Dovršavanje rečenice
Prepositions of place (Lex) #my_teaching_stuff
Pronađi podudarnost
Present_Continuous_Questions my_teaching_stuff
Nasumične karte
After_Christmas_Questions my_teaching_stuff
Fleš kartice
Possessive `s
Fleš kartice
Tenses Cats
Nasumične karte
Prepositions_of_time (cards) my_teaching_stuff
Fleš kartice
Halloween Vocabulary #my_teaching_stuff
Dovršavanje rečenice
Your pet present/past passive my_teaching_stuff
Fleš kartice
Winter Questions #my_teaching_stuff
Nasumične karte
Present Simple + adverbs of frequency 25 sent #my_teaching_stuff
Popravi raspored
Past_Continuous_20_sent + - ? #my_teaching_stuff
Popravi raspored
After Christmas lesson #my_teaching_stuff
Fleš kartice
Present_Simple_Questions my_teaching_stuff
Nasumične karte
Past Simple to be + - ? #my_teaching_stuff
Popravi raspored
Things_topic_cards #my_teaching_stuff
Nasumične karte
Pronađi par
These/those Find the match my_teaching_stuff
Pronađi podudarnost
Alphabet_A-D_Group_Sort #my_teaching_stuff
Vrsta grupe
Past Perfect 25 #my_teaching_stuff
Fleš kartice
My_body_Balloon_Pop #my_teaching_stuff
Bušenje balona
NY Resolutions Prompts
Fleš kartice
Question words_суслики #my_teaching_stuff
Udari krticu
Passive Present Simple my_teaching_stuff
Fleš kartice
New Year Warm-up Questions by my_teaching_stuff
Fleš kartice
Women`s Day Speaking cards #my_teaching_stuff
Nasumične karte
Present Continuous (+ - ?) 25 sentences #my_teaching_stuff
Popravi raspored
Present_Perfect_Questions my_teaching_stuff
Nasumične karte
to_be_going_to_Questions my_teaching_stuff
Nasumične karte
to_be_questions_QW (20 sent) my_teaching_stuff
Popravi raspored
Dovršavanje rečenice
this that Matching my_teaching_stuff
Vrsta grupe
Future_Simple_Questions my_teaching_stuff
Nasumične karte
NY Resolutions
True/False (be, can, have got)
Tačno ili netačno
to be (16 sent) #my_teaching_stuff
Udari krticu