
Початкова освіта Family And friends 4

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Billy's teddy!
Billy's teddy! Nasumični točak
Past Simple (+/-)
Past Simple (+/-) Kviz
Family and friends (school)
Family and friends (school) Spoji
Go back to the roundabout FF4 (Unit 5)
Go back to the roundabout FF4 (Unit 5) Pronađi par
FF4 Unit 4 (Possessive pronouns and adjectives)
FF4 Unit 4 (Possessive pronouns and adjectives) Kviz
FF4 Unit 4 (Adverbs and Adjectives)
FF4 Unit 4 (Adverbs and Adjectives) Kviz
FF4 Unit 2 (Past simple: have and be)
FF4 Unit 2 (Past simple: have and be) Tačno ili netačno
FF4 Unit 2 (Past simple)
FF4 Unit 2 (Past simple) Kviz
Family and Friends Revision
Family and Friends Revision Vrsta grupe
FF4 Unit 1 (words)
FF4 Unit 1 (words) Pronađi podudarnost
FF4 Unit 1 (Present Simple/Present Continuous)
FF4 Unit 1 (Present Simple/Present Continuous) Kviz
At the Museum
At the Museum Anagram
Present Simple Present Continuous
Present Simple Present Continuous Vrsta grupe
Regular verbs
Regular verbs Kviz
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Present Simple vs Present Continuous Tačno ili netačno
Irregular Verbs
Irregular Verbs Kviz
FF4 Unit 1 (What do you like for breakfast?: Words)
FF4 Unit 1 (What do you like for breakfast?: Words) Pronađi podudarnost
Adjectives Adverbs
Adjectives Adverbs Pronađi par
Present Continuous
Present Continuous Dijagram sa oznakama
Odd one out
Odd one out Kviz
The food here is great
The food here is great Dijagram sa oznakama
ABCD (Family and Friends)
ABCD (Family and Friends) Spoji
Lesson Four (Family and Friends)
Lesson Four (Family and Friends) Pronađi reč
Lesson Three (Family and Friends)
Lesson Three (Family and Friends) Pronađi reč
Lesson One (Family and Friends)
Lesson One (Family and Friends) Pronađi reč
FF4 Unit 4 (Sports time cards)
FF4 Unit 4 (Sports time cards) Nasumične karte
FF4 Unit 3 (The dinosaur museum Cards)
FF4 Unit 3 (The dinosaur museum Cards) Nasumične karte
FF4 Unit 5 (Words)
FF4 Unit 5 (Words) Spoji
Irregular verbs
Irregular verbs Spoji
FF4 Unit 3 (Irregular verbs)
FF4 Unit 3 (Irregular verbs) Nasumični točak
Hobbies Vešala
We had a concert
We had a concert Kviz sa slikama
FF4 Unit 3 (Dinosaur data)
FF4 Unit 3 (Dinosaur data) Tačno ili netačno
FF4 Unit 7 (Future Simple +/-)
FF4 Unit 7 (Future Simple +/-) Nasumične karte
Irregular Verbs FF4
Irregular Verbs FF4 Pronađi par
FF4 Unit 8 - vocab
FF4 Unit 8 - vocab Kviz
The food here is great
The food here is great Vešala
FF4 Unit 5 (Shadow puppet theatre)
FF4 Unit 5 (Shadow puppet theatre) Kviz
Family and Friends 1 | Face
Family and Friends 1 | Face Dijagram sa oznakama
F&F 2 prepositions unit 3
F&F 2 prepositions unit 3 Pronađi par
F&F 2 unit 3
F&F 2 unit 3 Pronađi par
Family and friends unit 1, to be , grammar
Family and friends unit 1, to be , grammar Kviz
FF 3 unit 6
FF 3 unit 6 Spoji
F&F2 unit 5 our their
F&F2 unit 5 our their Otvori kutiju
F&F 2 Unit8
F&F 2 Unit8 Spoji
Was Were Am Is Are
Was Were Am Is Are Dovršavanje rečenice
Family and friends starter unit 9
Family and friends starter unit 9 Anagram
Family. Go Getter 1
Family. Go Getter 1 Spoji
My family
My family Dijagram sa oznakama
School Subjects
School Subjects Vešala
Whose jacket is this
Whose jacket is this Dijagram sa oznakama
F/F1 Family members QUIZ
F/F1 Family members QUIZ Kviz
F&F3 Unit 12 and/or/but
F&F3 Unit 12 and/or/but Kviz
F&F1 Unit 6 Family
F&F1 Unit 6 Family Dijagram sa oznakama
ff2 unit 4 has he got?
ff2 unit 4 has he got? Kviz
like/likes/don't like/doesn't like
like/likes/don't like/doesn't like Kviz
Posessives Kviz
F&F3 Unit 6 grammar
F&F3 Unit 6 grammar Kviz
FF Jobs Starter
FF Jobs Starter Kviz
Where are you from? Unit 1
Where are you from? Unit 1 Kviz
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