Barton Reading
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Barton 5.1 Extra Practice Page 2
Pobedio ili izgubio kviz
Barton 5.3 Doubling Rule for Suffixes
Pobedio ili izgubio kviz
Barton 3.2 Anagrams
Barton 4.5 Rule Sort
Vrsta grupe
7.10 Don't Be Contradictory
Nasumične karte
7.8 Don't Be Shakespeare
Nasumične karte
3.3 Sight words
4.7 Compound Words
Udari krticu
7.3a Don't be greedy (panda)
Nasumične karte
3.5 FF, LL, SS, ZZ True or False
Tačno ili netačno
6.1 Closed or Silent e
Nasumične karte
3.7 Rules Quiz
Barton 2.4 vowels: a, i, o, u
Pronađi podudarnost
Barton 4.1 open and closed syllables
Vrsta grupe
5.6 BOOM Soccer
Nasumične karte
Barton 4.5 Happy Rule Whack a Mole
Udari krticu
3.3 Sight Words II
Pronađi par
3.10 Contractions "your" vs. "you're"
Dovršavanje rečenice
3.9 Blending and Spelling Digraphs /ch/ /ck/ and units (betting game)
Pobedio ili izgubio kviz
Barton 5.2 Consonanant Suffixes sentences
Dovršavanje rečenice
Barton Level 3 Sight Word: Find the "what" moles
Udari krticu
Sight Words (tricky pairs up to Barton level 4.4 )
Pobedio ili izgubio kviz
Barton 4.7 Read these words
Vrsta grupe
Barton 4.5 Almost All
Vrsta grupe
Barton Level 4.3 (2 syllable words) match up
Pronađi podudarnost
Barton 4.2 Syllable Division Rule #1
Vrsta grupe
4.10 Identify and Classify Schwa sounds
Bušenje balona
Barton 8.1 - Syllable Deal
Nasumične karte
Barton 8.06 - Read Sentences
Pločice na okretanje
Barton 3.3 Anagram
Barton 3.2 Fluency Phrases - Horses
Otvori kutiju
Barton 3.6 review
Barton 9 French Quiz
Barton 3.5 Floss Rule Anagram
Barton Book 5 Review
Barton Level 6 Sight Words
Nasumične karte
Barton 3.3 Fluency Phrases - Ferrets
Otvori kutiju
8.3a Don't Be Greedy
Nasumične karte
6.4 -ive match related words
Pronađi par
7.9 Don't Be Parallel
Nasumične karte
5.4 Don't be greedy -ed
Nasumične karte
5.7 Don't Be Greedy (invention)
Nasumične karte
6.7 Don't Be Greedy (Tigers)
Nasumične karte
7.3b Don't be greedy (ostrich)
Nasumične karte
6.12 Don't Be A Grumble
Nasumične karte
8.2 Match up
3.7 Don't Be Greedy (Turtles)
Nasumične karte
10.4 AD family
Televizijski kviz
6.3a ce says /s/ at end
Udari krticu
/d/ or /t/ initial sound
Televizijski kviz
9.6 8-Hangman Sentences
3.06 Does the C say /k/ or /s/?
Vrsta grupe