4-й класс Present Continuous
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10 000+ výsledkov pre ' 4 класс present continuous '
Present Continuous
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Present Continuous
Náhodné karty
Present Simple vs Present Continious
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Signal Words. Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Zoradenie skupiny
Present Continious
Televízny kvíz
Fun with Fizz 2, Unit 3, Present Continuous
Dať do poriadku
Make sentenses.
Dať do poriadku
11 Present Continuous (Special Questions Unjumble)
Dať do poriadku
Present Continuous
Надя 1
Zoradenie skupiny
Present perfect signal words
Nájdi zodpovedajúcu položku
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
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Find the Present Simple markers
Hľadanie slov
Present Simple - Present Continuous Questions
Náhodné karty
Santa questions PrSimple
Náhodné karty
Time Markers. Present Simple/Present Continuous/Past Simple
Zoradenie skupiny
To be (Present and Past Simple)
Televízny kvíz
Present Continuous
Dať do poriadku
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple
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Spotlight 4 (7a) Animals. Present Continuous
Dať do poriadku
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Zoradenie skupiny
Spotlight 3, 4 Present Simple or Present Continuous
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Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Otvorte pole
Question words
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Present Simple or Present Continuous
Otvorte pole
Neighborhood hero
Dať do poriadku
Fly High 4 Lesson 18
Náhodné karty
Spotlight 4 Module 3 Unit 5 Food
Super minds 2 off we go
Hľadanie slov
Fly high 4 21
Порядковые числительные
a jar of, a can of
rainbow 4 unit 4 step 1
Fly high 4 lesson 15
Televízny kvíz
PU2_ Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Flash karty
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Otvorte pole
Present Continuous ( -ing ending)
Zoradenie skupiny
Housework (home chores) Hot spot 2 unit 5
Lietajúce ovocie
Present Simple VS Present Continuous
Zoradenie skupiny
Spotlight 4 Module 1 Words+Continuous
Označený diagram
countable / uncountable
Zoradenie skupiny
Spotlight 4 Unit 15a