Початкова освіта Англійська мова Present Continuous
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Present Simple or Continuous
Flash karty
Present Simple / Continuous
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3 form Present Continuous
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Present Continuous 1
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Adverbs of frequency present simple
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Present Simple/present continuous
Flash karty
pr. cont. City life
AS2 Unit 5 grammar
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Present Continuous. Questions
Dať do poriadku
Present Simple/Continuous/Future
Dať do poriadku
Present Simple vs Present Continuous easy
Pravda alebo nepravda
Clothes & Appearance. A2
Náhodné karty
Present Simple vs Present Continuous (Speaking)
Náhodné karty
Present Simple vs Present Continuous ERROR CORRECTION
Náhodné karty
Billy's teddy!
Present Simple
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smart junior 3 unit 8 verbs past present
Zoradenie skupiny
Copy of Wild Animals
My day
Označený diagram
Present Simple negative
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Present Simple questions
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Have/Has got - Speaking cards
Náhodné karty
AM IS ARE (questions)
Dať do poriadku
Показники часів
Koleso šťastia
Always - never GG1 Unit 6
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Reading (all, oo, ee, ea, sh, ch, th)
Náhodné karty
Present Continuous
Dať do poriadku
What are they doing?
What are you doing?
Present continuous negative
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Present continuous positive
Dať do poriadku
Present Continuous Affirmative
Dať do poriadku
Clothes present simple vs present continuous
Dať do poriadku
Present S\Cont
Náhodné karty
Dynamic & State verbs
Zoradenie skupiny
Places in the town
Flash karty
Alphabet U-Z
Nájdi zodpovedajúcu položku
Fly high 1 unit 5
fruit and vegetables
Zoradenie skupiny
Zoradenie skupiny
1st form Reading cards #2
Náhodné karty
Smart Junior 2. Module 5.
Present Continuous positive sentences
Otvorte pole