3 клас Past Simple
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10 000+ výsledkov pre ' 3 клас past simple '
Did you...?
Dať do poriadku
Past Simple Yes/No Questions
Náhodné karty
Did someone... SJ3
Вправа 2
Simple past
Televízny kvíz
What did you do yesterday?
Koleso šťastia
Smart Junior 3. Unit 8. Project.
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Показники часів
Koleso šťastia
Past Simple Negative
Flash karty
Irregular verbs
Flash karty
Past Simple warm-up
Koleso šťastia
Prepare 5 NUS Unit 20 Past Simple
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Full Blast 5 Irregular verbs 1
Pronouncing the Past Tense -ed Ending
Zoradenie skupiny
Irregular Verbs
Present Perfect vs Past Simple
Flash karty
Past Simple. Correct the mistakes
Otvorte pole
Irregular verbs (Intermediate)
Náhodné karty
Past Events
Dať do poriadku
Past Simple speaking
Koleso šťastia
Present Simple vs Past Simple key words
Zoradenie skupiny
moning routine 2/2
What did they do?
Flash karty
Unit 20. Past Simple Negatives
Prevracané dlaždice
Prepare 8 Game 1 Present Perfect and Past Simple
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Full Blast 5 Irregular verbs 2
Irregular Verbs
Past Simple vs Present Perfect
Náhodné karty
Past Simple. Irregular verbs. Reading.
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Irregular verbs Movers
past simple ww 1
Mixed Tenses
Present Simple or Past Simple
Náhodné karty
Present Simple VS Continuous
Zoradenie skupiny
Present Simple -s, -es, -ies (warm up)
Zoradenie skupiny
Present Simple or Continuous
Flash karty
of Past
Present Simple / Present Continuous
Flash karty
Irregular verbs
Nájdi zodpovedajúcu položku
Past Simple Tense.
Dať do poriadku
FF4 Unit 2 (Past simple: have and be)
Pravda alebo nepravda
Past Simple (+/-)
Flash karty
BEP3 Unit 5 Was/were
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BEP3 Unit 5 Word Order: was, were, wasn't, weren't
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