English / ESL A1 a2 use of
Príklady z našej komunity
10 000+ výsledkov pre ' english a1 a2 use of '
modals of deduction present
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What makes people happy at work?
Doplňte vetu
Use of English B2
Use of english B2 U3
use of english section 11
Daily routine speaking (English A2)
Náhodné karty
Solutions elementary/ Unit 1/ Family
FF 2/ Unit 6/ Words
Roadmap A2. unit 4. Review
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Use of English B2
Zoradenie skupiny
Use of English B2 Section 2
Zoradenie skupiny
Comparatives Roadmap A2
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Use of English B2 unit 1
Zoradenie skupiny
Use of English B2 p. 26
Nájdi zodpovedajúcu položku
Use of English B2 Section 2
Zoradenie skupiny
Use of English B2 Section 2
Zoradenie skupiny
ZNO Use of English b2 Unit 4
Zoradenie skupiny
Use of English B2 unit 1
Doplňte vetu
Focus 4 Unit 2 Use of English
How do you feel if
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Famous people and nationalities
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Present Simple/Continuous; Past Simple
Zoradenie skupiny
Go getter 2. Unit 6.1 vocabulary jobs
Flash karty
Use of English B2 U6
Zoradenie skupiny
Question words. Present Simple
Dať do poriadku
FF 3/ Unit 15/ Reading/ Malory Towers
Doplňte vetu
FF 3/ Prince and the Pauper
Doplňte vetu
FF 3 Unit 12 Fluency Time 4
Označený diagram
FF 2/ Unit 4/ Have you got a milkshake?
Dať do poriadku
Turn into Present, Past, Future Passive
Náhodné karty
Unit 1 ZNO Use of English B2 (8)
Zoradenie skupiny
Use of English B2 MAKE/DO p. 50
Zoradenie skupiny
Valentine's Day short text A1-A2
Doplňte vetu
Use of English B2 unit 6 prepositions
Prevracané dlaždice
Golden Gate Bridge
Doplňte vetu
Use of English B2 unit 1
Zoradenie skupiny
USE OF ENGLISH B2 UNIT 7 (10.05.2022)
Pravda alebo nepravda
Use of English B2 p.22
Doplňte vetu
Use of English U1 p1 Phrasal verbs
Use of English 1.6 (Focus 3)
Zoradenie skupiny
Present Perfect Simple/ Present Perfect Continuous
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(1) Present Perfect ( +, -, ?)
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Prepositions of time QA
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