Present Continuous
Príklady z našej komunity
10 000+ výsledkov pre ' present continuous '
Present Continuous 1
Dať do poriadku
Present Simple vs Present Continuous speaking
Náhodné karty
What are you doing?
Mixed Tenses
He / She is wearing .....
Nájdi zodpovedajúcu položku
Present cont_capibara
Flash karty
pr. cont. City life
Clothes & Appearance. A2
Náhodné karty
Present Simple or Continuous
Flash karty
2-В I'm wearing...
Dať do poriadku
Present Simple vs Present Continuous ERROR CORRECTION
Náhodné karty
Показники часів
Koleso šťastia
Present Simple / Continuous
Dať do poriadku
3 form Present Continuous
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Present Continuous
Dať do poriadku
What are they doing?
Flash karty
Present Continuous Tense.
Dať do poriadku
Present S\Cont
Náhodné karty
Present Continuous (Quick Minds 2 vocab)
Otvorte pole
Present Simple/present continuous
Flash karty
Present Simple / Present Continuous
Flash karty
Present Simple VS Continuous
Zoradenie skupiny
Present Simple vs Present Continuous (Speaking)
Náhodné karty
I'm wearing... Read and match
Present Simple/ Present Continuous
Doplňte vetu
Present Simple or Present Continuous
Nájdi zodpovedajúcu položku
Present Simple+Continuous. Questions
Náhodné karty
Dynamic & State verbs
Zoradenie skupiny
Present Simple or Present Continuous
Flash karty
Present Continuous positive sentences
Otvorte pole
Present Simple | present continuous markers
Zoradenie skupiny
2-В I'm wearing... Read and match
Present Simple
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Have you ever...?
Koleso šťastia
present simple (+, -, ?)
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AS2 Unit 5 grammar
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Present Continuous Tense
Dať do poriadku
Present Continuous
Present Simple/Continuous Wh - questions
Prevracané dlaždice
Present simple vs Present continuous. 2
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Adverbs of frequency present simple
Dať do poriadku
Present Perfect vs Past Simple
Flash karty
Present Simple,+,-