Esol simple present tense
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Actions (Verbs)
Nájdi zodpovedajúcu položku
The verb 'to be'
This is, These are
Dať do poriadku
Present Simple Negative
Zoradenie skupiny
Sentences and Questions with Colors
Dať do poriadku
Present Continuous vs Simple Present
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Put the words in order (present simple +, - and ?)
Dať do poriadku
For Anna: Verb Tenses
Zoradenie skupiny
Past Present Future Tense Verbs
Otvorte pole
Present Simple Tense
Televízny kvíz
Grammar Review Midterm - 2A
Otvorte pole
Present Continuous vs. Present Simple 2
Zoradenie skupiny
Complete with the missing word
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Pr.S Questions
Simple Past, Present and Future Tense Verbs
Otvorte pole
Verb 'To Be' simple present (affirmative & negative)
Koleso šťastia
Sentences - Zdania - Present Simple - I ... every day - set02
Dať do poriadku
Simple Presente 'like' (- and +)
Pravda alebo nepravda
simple present questions
Dať do poriadku
Uncramble the sentences.
Dať do poriadku
Wh questions - Simple present
Dať do poriadku
Sentences - Zdania - Present Simple - I ... every day - set01
Dať do poriadku
Wh - questions
Nájdi zodpovedajúcu položku
One or Some?
Zoradenie skupiny
present simple tense
Simple Present Tense
Televízny kvíz
Practice the Simple Present Tense rearrange the sentences
Dať do poriadku
Present simple affirmative form 1
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Questions for 'Who am I?'
Zoradenie skupiny
Simple Present and Present Continuous Questions
Náhodné karty
Warm Up - Present Time
Náhodné karty
Present Continuous vs. Present Simple
Omráč krtka
Asking questions
Otvorte pole
6C Grammar English File Pre-Intermedite
Zoradenie skupiny
Verb TO BE (+/-/?)
El verbo beber
Označený diagram
Action Verbs! (1-10)
Nájdi zodpovedajúcu položku
Parts of a Paragraph
Hobbies and Free Time Activities
Nájdi zodpovedajúcu položku
Second Conditional
Alphabet Match
Nájdi zodpovedajúcu položku
Simple present
Conditionals Conversation
Náhodné karty
Present and Past Tense
Doplňte vetu
Present Simple Tense