Entry level 3
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Article - Organisational (layout) Features
Označeni diagram
Features of Texts
Razvrščanje skupin
Write a letter of complaint about...
Naključno kolo
Writing a Letter of Complaint
Izpolnite stavek
Linking Words
Izpolnite stavek
St Dwynwen's Day: recognising sentence structures - E3-L1 Skillsworkshop
Razvrščanje skupin
A Sports Event - Linking Words Gap Fill E3
Izpolnite stavek
Say or Tell E3
Describing Places - Adjectives E3
Used To Questions
Naključne karte
Formal or informal language
Razvrščanje skupin
Giving Advice (Stress and Intonation)
Naključne karte
Time Expressions Present Perfect - Story Writing Gap Fill
Izpolnite stavek
Do we usually use the word/phrase with present perfect or past simple?
Razvrščanje skupin
Relative Pronouns E3
Punctuation: Commas 1
Razvrščanje skupin
Job advert vocabulary
The Earth's Climate
Using linking words
Razvrščanje skupin
Adjectives - Antonyms
Poišči ujemanje
ESOL Entry 3 accident vocab
Adjectives for people/ character
Getting to know you- ESOL questions
Naključno kolo
ESOL Entry Level Christmas Jumper Day label the photo
Označeni diagram
Entry Level letter for Functional Skills
Označeni diagram
Classroom objects (Pre-Entry and Entry 1 ESOL)
Obračanje ploščic
A Roman Adventure - Part 2 E3
Izpolnite stavek
Punctuation Marks (E3)
Reported Speech Sentence Starters
Naključne karte
A Roman Adventure Gap Fill - Part 1 E3
Izpolnite stavek
Hobbies - Name the Hobby
Naključne karte
How to organise your ideas for a film review.
Razvrščanje skupin
Entry 3- writing skills
Naključno kolo
Email: Inviting a Friend for a Picnic E3
Izpolnite stavek
Classroom Rules Vocabulary E3
Objects to Describe
Odpri polje
Role-plays - You lost your...
Naključne karte
Email: Making Arrangements E3
Vrstni red uvrstitev
Comparatives - Say a sentence
Odpri polje