Speech and langauge
Primeri iz naše skupnosti
Za "speech and langauge" je na voljo toliko rezultatov: 10.000+
Bossy "R" Articulation
"R" Would You Rather...
Naključno kolo
S Blend Riddles
Igralni kviz
Vowel + R Would You Rather...
Naključno kolo
SH, CH, and J Hangman
"R" Blends Game Show
Igralni kviz
Guess the "R" Blend word
There/Their/They're Practice with Homophones
Izpolnite stavek
SP Blends Matching Game
Ujemanje parov
"G" at the end Matching Game
Ujemanje parov
"TH" Memory Match up
Ujemanje parov
Th Guess the Clues
L Quizshow
Igralni kviz
Speech & Language: Describing common events
Naključne karte
Speech & Language: Describing common events
Naključne karte
Getting to know you Middle School Speech!
Naključno kolo
Over and Under
Razvrščanje skupin
EET circles and what they mean
Verbs with SONIC and PIKACHU!
Naključne karte
Pokemon Prepositions
Ujemanje parov
Who Questions- set 2
Where Questions
Igralni kviz
Community Helpers
Poišči ujemanje
Inferences-set 2
Naključne karte
Medial L in sentences.
Poišči ujemanje
When Questions (deck 2)
Igralni kviz
Sh Initial
Odpri polje
4th Grade Vocabulary
Who Questions
Pronouns -ing
Naključne karte
Who Questions
Inferences- set 1
Naključne karte
Initial R Hidden Picture
Slikovni kviz
F initial
Ujemanje parov
EET color circle wheel
Naključno kolo
R sound initial matching
Ujemanje parov
Perspective taking shoes
Odpri polje
action verbs
Poišči ujemanje
Mixed R Words
Naključno kolo
Matching Medial L
Ujemanje parov
L Sound Initial- set 1
Ujemanje parov
final /g/
Naključno kolo
Naključno kolo
irregular verbs
Following Directions
Naključno kolo
Inferences/Problem Solving deck 3
Naključne karte
Category Chase
Lov v labirintu
Thinking Skills
Naključne karte
Predicting- What happens next?
Naključne karte