Passover in Egypt : Take the lamb on the 10th of Nisan, Sacrifice a lamb on the 14th, roast it, and eat it with Matzah+maror., Put blood on the doorposts., Eat it fast, wearing sandals and carrying a staff., Burn the sacrificed leftover meat., Passover in the TORAH Dorot : Make a Sacrifice a lamb on the 14th and roast itt., Eat the sacrifice's meat, matza, and maror., Eat Matzot for 7 days From the 14th -21st Nisan, the 1st and the 7th days are holy-Shabbat, No Chametz shall be in your house for 7 days., Modern Passover - Rabbinical: Seder- 14 steps , Read the Haggada, The 4 questions, The 4 sons, Sell Your Chametz, Dip parsley in saltwater, Eat matza, maror, charoset, 18 min to make matzah, Eat Charoset after Maror, Hamotzi- Matza, Seder plate, Bdikat Chamets - candle and feather, Kiddush , Hillel sandwich Matza, maror, charoset,
פסח מצרים ופסח דורות- שמות פרקים 12-13
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