agwedd - attitude, agweddau - attitudes, caets / cawell - cage, caetsys / cewyll - cages, cerdd - poem, cerddi - poems, cwyn - complaint, cwynion - complaints, lefel - level, lefelau - levels, nyth - nest, nythod - nests, pibell - pipe, pibellau - pipes, tagfa - traffic jam, tagfeydd - traffic jams, taran - thunder, tarannau - thunder (lluosog), amynedd - patience, athletau - athletics, clonc - chat, cotwm - cotton, cownter - counter, cownteri - counters, cyswllt - contact, deiet - diet, diweithdra - unemployment, dringwr - climber, dringwyr - climbers, gofal - care, hyder - confidence, lladrad - burglary, lladradau - burglaries, lleidr - thief, lladron - thieves, lluosog - plural, lluosogion - plurals, llwyth - load, llwythi - loads, mwd - mud, proffesiwn - profession, proffesiynau - professions, rhedwr - runner, rhedwyr - runners, stwffin - stuffing, trac - track, traciau - tracks, tyst - witness, tystion - witnesses, dwys - intense; intensive, gwyllt - wild, hollbwysig - all-important, mwdlyd - muddy, od - odd, prin - rare, scarce, profiadol - experienced, sengl - single, sychedig - thirsty, ailadrodd - to repeat, apelio (at) - to appeal, awgrymu - to suggest, cludo - to transport, coroni - to crown, cosi - to itch, cymysgu (â) - to mix (with), delio (â) - to deal (with), pwyso - to press; to weigh, rasio - to race, ymgeisio (am) - to apply (for), Bannau Brycheiniog - The Brecon Beacons, drosodd - over; overleaf, gwneud cawl o - to make a mess of, mân siarad - chit chat, o ddifri - seriously, pob dim - popeth, rhiant maeth - foster parent, rhieni maeth - foster parents, traws gwlad - cross country, trwm ei glyw / chlyw - hard of hearing, wedi blino'n lân - exhausted, yn bennaf - mainly, yn fyw ac yn iach - alive and kicking, yn syth bin - immediately,
Geirfa Uned 14, Canolradd - Cymraeg i Oedolion (de)
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