1) What did God say Adam and Eve could not do in the Garden? a) Take care of the garden b) Eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil c) Name the animals 2) When sin enter the world it effected all of creation a) True b) False 3) What did Cain do after God warned him not to sin? a) Cain asked God to help him do right b) Cain killed his brother Abel c) Cain went back to his farm 4) In Noah's day, most people were_______? a) Wicked b) Helpful c) Kind 5) Who shut the Ark door to keep Noah and his family safe? a) Noah b) God c) Shem 6) What promise did God make to Noah? a) To never flood the earth again  b) That he would always be happy c) That he would rule the earth 7) What were the names of Adam and Eve's first two sons? a) Peter and Paul b) Seth and Enoch c) Cain and Abel 8) What name did Hagar give to God? a) You are the God who is angry with me b) You are the God who does not care about me c) You are the God who sees me 9) What trouble came up for Abram and Lot? a) There was not enough grass and water for all their animals b) The people around them started a war c) Their helpers did not want to work 10) Where was Lot living when he was captured? a) Sodom b) Canaan c) Hebron 11) How big a family did God promise Abram? a) As many as the hairs on his head b) Just one son c) As many as the stars 12) What happened to Sodom and Gomorrah? a) The cities grew b) Burning rock rained down on them c) nothing 13) What did God command Abraham to do in order to grow his faith? a) Pray more b) Go to church more c) Take Issac and sacrifice him on a mountain as a burnt offering 14) What did God provide as a substitute for Isaac? a) A bird b) A ram c) A donkey 15) What three things did God promise Abraham and Isaac? a) Food, money and a big house b) Friends, happiness and health c) Many descendants, cities, and all nations blessed 16) What did Abraham ask his servant to do? a) Find a wife for Isaac anywhere b) Take a letter to Abraham's family c) Find a wife for Isaac from Abraham's family 17) What did the servant do when he got to the town of Abraham's family? a) He talked to people b) He prayed for God's help c) He slept 18) How did Rebekah show she wanted to follow God's plan? a) She said she would go with the servant right away b) She cried c) She asked to stay 10 days 19) Where did God confuse the languages of the people? a) Hebron b) Babel c) Canaan 20) Who were Isaac's twin sons? a) Cain and Abel b) Ephraim and Manessah c) Jacob and Esau 21) What did Jacob see in his dream? a) Angels going up and down a ladder b) Ghosts c) His enemies coming to get him 22) Which of Jacob's sons was sold into slavery? a) Reuben b) Benjamin c) Joseph 23) Why was Joseph put into prison? a) He would not sin for Potiphar's wife b) He cheated Potiphar c) He lied to Potiphar 24) Who protected Joseph in prison? a) Potiphar b) God c) Captain of the guard 25) Whose dreams did Joseph interpret in prison? a) farmer and shepherd b) cupbearer and baker c) guard 26) Who dreamed about fat and skinny cows? a) Pharaoh b) cupbearer c) shepherd 27) Does Joseph want to punish his brothers for selling him? a) Yes b) No 28) True or False: God protects Joseph so he can save his family. a) True b) False 29) What did Jacob have to do to marry Rachel? a) work for Laban for 14 years b) pay a large amount of money c) give Laban his flock of sheep and goats 30) True or False: God always works for the good of His children. a) True b) False

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