1945 - ____ (tensions between US & USSR have already begun)1946 - ____ introduces containment 1947 - ____ - promises aid to countries in danger of communist revolutions 1948 - ____ - promises $ to help Europe rebuild 1948 - 1949 - ____ - US attempts to keep Berlin from "falling" to communism 1949 - ____ - China become communist 1950 - ____ - US increases military spending dramatically 1951 - ____ - suspected nuclear spies, eventually executed in 1953 1950 - 1953 - ____ - US supports South Korea, China supports N. Korea 1950 - 1954 - ____ - Senate hearings about suspected communists 1953 - CIA overthrows ____ Prime Minister & supports the Shah 1954 - CIA overthrows ____ President & US tests H-Bomb 1957 - ____ launches (Space Race begins)1959 - ____ - Castro takes over Cuba 1961 - ____ - failed attempt to overthrow Castro 1961 - ____ built - dividing East & West Berlin & becoming a symbol of Communism 1962 - ____ - closest the US & USSR ever come to nuclear war 1963 - ____ ratified 1964 - ____ - begins the American war in Vietnam 1965 - US troops arrive in ____ 1968 - ____ - major turning point in the American war in Vietnam 1969 - ____ - US puts a man on the moon (winning the Space Race!)1972 - Nixon visits ____ - detente politics 1972 - ____ signed 1973 - ____ (US withdraws from Vietnam) 1975 - ____ and fall of Saigon 1979 - Iranian ____ & USSR invades ____ - detente crumbles 1983 - Reagan delivers his ____ speech & announces Strategic Defense Initiative, aka "Star Wars" 1986 - ____ - Reagan & Gorbachev agree to remove a whole class of missiles 1989 - ____ "falls" 1991 - ____ dissolves - officially ending the Cold War

Cold War Events


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