Water: H2O; polar molecule, ice floats and insulates, liquid has high specific heat; needs lots of energy to change to gas (vaporize) or solid (freeze), makes up most of our bodies, solvent-- dissolves many things and involved in many chemical reactions, Enzymes/catalysts: speeds up reactions (increased rate), lowers energy needed (decreased energy), breaks apart or combines chemicals, denatured (won't work) if wrong temperature or pH, substrate must match active site (lock and key) to work, protein(s): folded into complex shape, building blocks are amino acids, made of polypeptide chain, used to build tissues & organs and for metabolism (membrane channel) , Fat(s)/Lipid(s): triglyceride = 3 fatty acid tails and 1 glycerol, used for storing energy and insulation (cell membrane), polar and nonpolar parts, carbohydrate(s): polysaccharide= complex starch made of many parts, monosaccharide= simple 1 part sugar, disaccharide = simple 2 part sugar, used to store and release ENERGY (respiration & photosynthesis), nucleic acids: made of nucleotides with 5-carbon sugar, phosphate group and nitrogen base, DNA, RNA, base pairs (C/G/A/T/U), used to give cell directions and genetic information (reproduction & growth),

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