1) I ... to wake up early on the weekends. a) don`t have b) don`t have to c) haven`t 2) We ... keep working on the project a) should to b) must to c) must 3) ... report every day? a) Haven`t you to b) Do you have to c) Have you to 4) You ... tell anyone about it. It`s a secret. a) mustn`t b) don`t have to c) must 5) I think you ... go to bed early today. You look tired. a) must b) should c) mustn`t 6) You ... to pay on Sundays. It is free. a) mustn`t b) shouldn`t c) don`t have 7) You ... touch electrical things when your hands are wet. a) mustn`t b) don`t have to c) should 8) No, thanks. I ... eat any more cake. I am on diet. a) must b) couldn`t c) shouldn`t 9) You ... eat or drink in a meeting room. a) mustn`t b) must c) don`t have to 10) We ... fasten our seatbelts even if we are not drivers. a) should b) don`t have to c) must 11) Look, you ... take your umbrella. I have a big one. a) have to b) mustn`t c) don`t have to

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