I got no sleep last night. Now I can't concentrate on the classes. I keep DOZING OFF all the time. I need some coffee. - to fall asleep, You will never guess who I RAN OUT at the mall the other day! Tom Holland! - to meet unexpectedly, She drives her new Mercedes around just to SHOW OFF how rich she has become. - to try to impress other people, I'm sorry to hear your grandmother PASSED AWAY. May she rest in peace. - to die, I'm trying to avoid a FALL OUT WITH Richie at all costs. I know that if I start, he will divorce me. - to have an argument, When are you going to THROW AWAY all that trash you keep in your bedroom? Do I need to call national security? - to get rid of, You don't have to give me an answer right now. Why don't you THINK it OVER and we'll talk again next week? - to think carefully about something, I'm sorry to interrupt. Please, CARRY ON the seminar. - to continue, If you do something bad to someone, you will always have to PAY something BACK. That's the universal law. - to punish or to be punished, Despite all the difficulties, I was able to CARRY OFF my tasks and got promoted immediately. - to complete successfully, If you're not nice to anyone, chances are you will END UP alone. - to finish in a certain way, If he breaks up with her now, he will TEAR her APART. She's just too immature to handle a hard situation. - to break into pieces, Bullies usually PICK ON the most defenseless people.  - to be nasty to a particular person, I agree, but they will SPLIT UP soon. There's no doubt about it. - to end a close relationship by separating from each other, DRY UP your shirt before you put it on. - to become or make completely dry,

B2 First_prep_Use of English_Phrasal Verbs_2


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