We are in a difficult or dangerous situation. - We're in hot water, I don't like it/ I am not good at it. - It's not my cup of tea, We are working as fast as possible. - We're working against the clock., He is not much known about. - He's a bit of a dark horse, Can you watch her? - Can you keep an eye on her?, I said something really embarassing/upsetting. - I really put my foot in it, It is really easy. - It's a piece of cake, We don't have any more time. - We're running out of time, I have had enough of my busy and repetitive work life. - I've had enough of the rat race, Could you help me? - Could you give me a hand?, This is exactly right. - This hits the nails on the head., That is very important to me. - That's close to my heart., Let's be realistic about it. - Let's face it. ,

Idioms (speakout intermediate 3)

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