Where I stand in my recovery, What keeps me clean?, What keeps me coming back?, What have I learned about myself and my recovery, Where I am now and where I was before I got clean, How have I worked my steps and what step am I on?, Sponsorship has taught me what?, Recovery and relapse is a part of my story Yes/No?, Did drugs take you to the jail or Institution?, The relationship I have with my higher power, The relationship I have with my sponsor, I would only use if________________, happened to me, Some people tell themselves they're not addicts, did you?, I've always been truthful with my sponsor except when I_______________., The relationship I have with my higher power today is_____________., When I first stepped into the rooms and narcotics anonymous I thought to myself,__________________., Narcotics Anonymous has taught me that I am a______________, What has recovery done for me______________., I am my own person I can use successfully and still hold a job?, Pain from using was like a _________., Using made me feel like I was__________________., How has my life become better since joining NA?, I can't use because one is too many and a thousand is never enough, but why?, Recovery and fun are always kept separate for me because I___________________., The support from THE NA members has made me feel________________., Excuses makes me feel like I want to_______________., If I use I_______________., The pain the disease of addiction brought me when I lost friends , Draw ×2 cards and combined with your share .
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