Aorta - Oxygenated blood to body, Myogenic muscle - The heart beats without input from the nervous system, Pulmonary artery - Deoxygenated blood to lungs, Vena cava - Deoxygenated blood to heart, Septum - Separates the two sides of the heart, Tricuspid valve - Atrioventricular valve on the right side, Bicuspid/mitral valve - Atrioventricular valve on the left side, SAN - Sinoatrial node, AVN - Atrioventricular node, Purkinje fibres - Conducting fibresi n the septum that make up the bundle of His, Atria - Upper chambers of the heart, Ventricles - Lower chambers of the heart, Atrial systole - Atria contract, Ventricle diastole - Ventricles relax, Semi-lunar valves - Prevent backflow of blood from vessels into ventricles, Stroke volume x heart rate= - Cardiac output,

Heart Anatomy


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