1) The letter name of a note; how high or low a sound is a) Pitch b) Scale c) Solfege d) Melody 2) A series of 8 consecutive pitches a) Pitch b) Solfege c) Melody d) Scale 3) The system of "do re mi fa sol la ti do" that singers use to sight-read a) Notes b) Solfege c) Harmony d) Scale 4) More than one part singing the SAME notes at the SAME time a) Harmony b) Melody c) Unison d) Parts 5) More than one part singing DIFFERENT notes at the SAME time a) Harmony b) Melody c) Unison d) Parts 6) A series of notes; the main vocal line; the theme of the song a) Scale b) Harmony c) Parts d) Melody 7) To sing smoothly; to connect the notes a) Legato b) Marcato c) Allegro  d) Staccato 8) To sing short and separated; Very bouncy a) Marcato b) Legato c) Allegro d) Staccato 9) To sing with full tone and heavy accents a) Marcato b) Legato c) Allegro d) Staccato 10) Is this note on a line or space? a) Line b) Space 11) Are these notes on the line or space? a) Line b) Space

Treble Choir: Quarter 1 Vocabulary


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