Touch your toes, spin around 1 time, and say "weekend!", Clap your hands, jump up and down 2 times, and spin around 1 time. , Pretend to tie your shoe, say "watermelon", and say your middle name., Give a thumps up, say "yes", and close your eyes., Name a fruit, put your hands on your head, and clap your hands., Point to the door, point to the window, pretend to wash your hands., Name a sport, wave at the teacher, and name a color., Put your hands on your head, clap your hands, and pretend to write your name., Count to 10, put your hands in the air, and pretend to tie your shoe., Clap your hands 2 times, spell out your first name, and pretend to fold a paper airplane. , Put your hands on your shoulders, stand behind your chair, and pretend to take off your watch. , Stand in front of your desk, clap your hands, and wink. .
3-Step Directions
Uredi vsebino
Lestvica vodilnih
Prikaži več
Prikaži manj
Ta lestvica je trenutno zasebna. Kliknite
, da jo objavite.
Lastnik vira je onemogočil to lestvico vodilnih.
Ta lestvica vodilnih je onemogočena, ker se vaše možnosti razlikujejo od možnosti lastnika vira.
Možnosti za vrnitev
Naključno kolo
je odprta predloga. Ne ustvarja rezultatov za lestvico vodilnih.
Potrebna je prijava
Vizualni slog
Zahtevana je naročnina
Preklopi predlogo
Pokaži vse
Med igranjem dejavnosti se bo prikazalo več oblik zapisa.
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