1) Honesty 2) Willingness 3) Openmindedness 4) Acceptance 5) Unmanageability 6) Powerlessness 7) Faith - as I understand faith 8) H.A.L.T. (hungry? angry? lonely? tired?) 9) Turning It Over 10) Letting Go 11) Mindfulness 12) Resentment 13) Reservations 14) Moral Inventory 15) Anger 16) Contrary Action (taking the opposite action) 17) Becoming Willing 18) Amends 19) Self Will (run riot) 20) Higher Power's Will 21) I can't, We can 22) Living in the Moment 23) Suggestions 24) Sharing our Experience 25) Sharing our Strength 26) Patience 27) Carrying the message 28) Acting as if 29) Sponsorship 30) Respecting other viewpoints 31) My life became unmanageable 32) Misery is optional 33) Recovery is my responsibility 34) Powerless over addiction 35) Doing what we did and getting what we got 36) A desire to stop using 37) What I can bring to the group 38) Disappointment 39) Codependency 40) Relapse 41) People Places & Things 42) Worry 43) Surrender 44) Willingness 45) F.E.A.R. (false evidence appearing real) 46) Meditation 47) H.O.P.E. (Hold On Pain Ends) 48) Sadness 49) Denial 50) Why Am I Here?

Topics, Concepts, and Spiritual Principles


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