What do you like the most about your hometown? , What do you like least about your hometown?, What fictional character would you like to be friends with? , What is your favorite holiday? , What is a trend on TikTok you cannot tolerate? , Where is your happy place? (Example: The forest or river), Are you a dreamer or more logical? , What chore do you actually like doing? I, If you could travel back in time, what time period would you travel to? , What would your perfect meal be? , If you could invent a holiday, what would it be for? , What is your favorite time of year? , What is your favorite movie? , Do you think you have too much freedom in your life, not enough, or just the right amount? , Do you remember your dreams you have at night? , Would you rather be able to look into the future or look into the past? , What was the last book you read? Was it inspiring, entertaining, or just meh? , Do you have a specific mantra you live by? , What law or school rule do you disagree with? , What job seems the most interesting to try? , If you could meet any celebrity, who would it be? , How do you measure success? , Do you consider yourself to be ambitious? , Who is the hardest worker you know? , How disciplined do you feel in your daily life? .
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