Synonymy - words that are similar in meaning, Antonymy - words that are opposite in meaning, Entailment - when a word is logically related to previous meaning, Referent - words that refer to something, Extension - extending referent of cat to include examples of various animals in the cat family:, Prototype - considers a set of all potentials that refers to referents that refer to pets – cats, Hyponymy - the meaning on one form is included in the meaning of another, Homophones - two words have the same pronunciation, but have different written forms, Homonyms - when one form (written or spoken) has two or more unrelated meanings, Polysemy - two or more words with the same form and related meaning, Metonymy - Using other words due to a close connection in everyday experiences, Collocation - organizing words according to our knowledge/backgrounds,

Semantic Relationships: Semantics Activity


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