scaffold - supportive framework or structure created by teacher, IEP - personalized and legally binding document with specific education goals, SpecialEducator - person that specializes in providing instruction and support to students with disabilities, CEC - organization dedicated to improving the success of children and youth with disabilities, IDEA - a group of laws that include ones relating to special education, collaborate - work together, inclusion - a climate of belongingness that promotes feelings of safety, discriminatory - unfair, prejudiced treatment, documentation - record-keeping, facilitator - person that coordinates and guides IEP meetings, communication - students with IEPs require more home/school...., correlation - the ______ between student engagement and academic achievement is strong, projectbasedlearning - engaging students in hands-on projects, thinkpairshare - students think about a topic, discuss it then share with class, differentiate - tailor teaching methods to accommodate diverse learning styles, conceptmapping - visualizing relationships between concepts, feedback - has a powerful influence on student achievement, should guide learning, flexiblegrouping - one of the highest-impact strategies of all time, promotes inclusivity and collaboration, modify - adapt curriculum, Quality - Q from QAIT, Appropriate - A from QAIT, Incentive - I from QAIT, Time - T from QAIT,
Special Educators, General Educators and Best Practices in Instruction
Special Education
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