Restrictive - Imposing restrictions or limitations on someone's activities or freedom., Habitat - A place where an organism naturally lives and grows., Microhabitat - A very small, specialized habitat, such as space under a rock., Biodiversity - The number of different species of plants and animals in an area., Competition - A negative interaction occurs among organisms whenever two or more organisms require the same limited resource., Flora - Plants of a region or era., Equilibrium - A condition in which all acting influences are canceled by others, resulting in a stable, balanced, or unchanging system., Limitation - A restrictive; lack of capacity; inability or handicap., Fauna - All the animal life in a particular region., Climate - The average weather conditions in an area over a long period of time., Species - A group of similar organisms that can breed and produce fertile offspring., Abiotic - Non-living things, Biotic - Living things., Species Richness - The number of different species in a community., Genetic Diversity - the variety of genes within a given species, Species Diversity - Variety of different kinds of organisms that make up a community., Ecosystem Diversity - The variety of ecosystems within a given region., Weather - The state of the atmosphere at a place and time as regards heat, dryness, sunshine, wind, rain, etc., Sustainability - The ability to keep in existence or maintain. A sustainable ecosystem is one that can be maintained., Niche - The function, job, or position of a species within an ecological community.,
TMS 7.10B Biodiversity
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