The chart shows the proportion of Twitter users by age group from November 2010 to May 2013 in the USA., Overall, it is clear that there is an upward trend in Twitter use for all age groups,, with Twitter being most popular among the 18-29 age group., All the age groups increased their Twitter use over the period, , with the greatest percentage increase (about 150%) among those aged 30-49. , Twitter use among the 18-29 and 50-64 age groups also grew strongly, , doubling from 14% to 30% and 6% to 13% respectively., The increase was much less dramatic for the 65+ group, which rose only by 1% over the period. , In terms of popularity, Twitter was much more popular among younger people., The 18-29 age group accounted for 30% of Twitter use, , which was almost twice that of the next highest group (30-49) at 17%., The other two groups, those aged 50-64 and 65+ accounted for only 13% and 5% of Twitter users respectively.,

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