Use 5 positive words to describe yourself, What is something you have done that you are proud of?, What makes you a good friend?, Which school subjects are you best at?, What is your favorite thing about yourself?, Complete this sentence: "I Am...", What is something special about you that makes you a valuable friend?, Name something that makes you a good person., What is something special about you that makes you a valuable classmate?, What is something special about you that makes you a valuable member of your family?, Name something you could teach someone else about?, What is your favorite thing about the way you look?, What can you tell yourself instead of "I'll never get this?", What can you tell yourself instead of "They are better than me?", What can you tell yourself instead of "I wish I looked different?", What can you tell your self instead of "I hate that I am different?", What can you tell yourself instead of "No one likes me?", What can you tell yourself instead of "I wish my personality was different?", What can you tell yourself instead of "I don't fit in?", What can y9ou tell yourself instead of "I can never get anything right?", Why is positive self talk important?, What do you think positive self talk means?, Have you ever used positive self talk? Tell us about that time., Tell about a time when it would have been useful to use positive self talk, but you didn't., Tell about a time when someone said something mean about you. How did it make you feel?, Tell about a time when someone said something good about you. How did it make you feel?, What is something you can say or do if you see someone trip and fall in the lunch room?, What is something you can say or do if someone made fun of your classmate's new haircut?, What is something you can say if a friend failed a test?, What is something you can say if you see someone wearing a shirt you really like?, What is something you can say if someone tells you they do not have many friends?, Name one of your friends. What is a compliment you could give them?, Name someone in you class who you don't know very well. What could you say to that person to make them feel valuable and important?, Why is it important to use kind words when speaking to others?, Why can it be hard to use kind words when speaking to others?, What is something kind you can say if a friend didn't make a team, but you did?, Practicing gratitude can help you feel better about yourself! Name 3 things you are thankful for., If someone makes fun of you, what is something you can do to feel better about yourself?, When you are feeling down about yourself, what is something you can do to feel better?, Who is someone you can talk to that will help you feel better about yourself?, What is something you can remind yourself of when you are feeling down about yourself?, Is there a place you can go to feel better when you are feeling down about yourself?, It can help to write a positive message about yourself and put it somewhere where you will see it often. What is something nice you can write about yourself? Where can you put it?, One thing you can do when you are feeling down about yourself is spend time doing something that make you happy. What is something that you enjoy doing?, Making a list of things you love about yourself can help you feel better about yourself. Name 5 things you would put on your list., Feeling down about yourself can keep you from trying new things. What is something you can try this week?, If you are feeling unsure about sharing you thoughts or opinions with someone, what is something you can tell yourself to feel more confident?, It is important to focus on the positive things in life! Is this hard for you? How can you start to look at things with a positive view?, Define the term "self esteem" in your own words., Why is positive self esteem important?, What can make it hard to have positive self esteem?, Name something that may cause you to feel bad about yourself., Name something that may help you feel good about yourself., Do you think the people you spend the most time with affects how you feel about yourself? Why or why not?, Do you think what others say affects how you feel about yourself? Why or why not?, Do you normally feel good about yourself? Why or why not?, Name a negative thing you believe abut yourself., Name a positive thing you believe abut yourself., What is the difference between negative self esteem and positive self esteem? , Do you think it is better for everyone to be different or the same? Why?.

Positivity Questions (Pick one to answer)

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