Key Stage 5 / A-Level English Writing and literary techniques
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10 000+ resultat för 'ks5 english writing and literary techniques'
Letters & Emails - Formal/Informal terms
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Past and Present & Future Tenses
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Letters and Emails
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Formal Letter Layout
Märkt diagram
English Words
Figurative Language Definitions
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Features of a Leaflet (Labelling)
Märkt diagram
language devices match up
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Article Writing
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Non-fiction writing devices
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Märkt diagram
Word Classes
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Descriptive Writing Task - Using Language Features in Writing
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Language Techniques for Paper 1
Gameshow frågesport
Informal letter writing structure
Märkt diagram
Structural Devices
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Punctuation Match Up
Compound and complex sentences
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Figurative language
Öppna rutan
Present Simple exercises
Avsluta meningen
Noun, Adjective, Verb or Adverb?
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Nouns, Verbs and Adjectives
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Newspaper features
Märkt diagram
AFOREST Language Devices for Persuasion
Ballong pop
Descriptive Techniques Match Up
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Structure terminology for GCSE English
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Paper 2 Language Features
phrasal verb quiz
L2: Formal or Informal Letter Phrases
Slow Writing
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Simile or Metaphor Y7
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Prefix root word matching activity
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Find the match tech devices
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Match Up Prefix
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Persuasive Devices
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Poetic devices
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Reading different texts (non-fiction types)
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Unseen - Poetry Techniques
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Six honest serving men: What and Why and When and How and Where and Who?
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Features Of A Newspaper Article
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Spelling Test Functional Skills Entry 3
Figurative/Descriptive Language Definitions
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Irregular verbs
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Year 9 Persuasive Writing
Entry 1 - Can I / Could you requests
Ord magneter
Match the Methods
L2: Correct Capitalisation
Märkt diagram