Present Simple
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10 000+ resultat för 'present simple'
E1 Present Simple
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Be or Do?
Grupp sortera
Do VS Be verbs
Grupp sortera
Simple Past Tense (Regular Verbs)
Matcha upp
Present Simple, Adverbs of frequency - missing words
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Colin Brodie gapfill
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Present Simple exercises
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How have you been - Present Perfect tense speaking practice
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HDW - E2 - Past Simple - Irregular verbs
Matcha upp
Past Simple Irregular Verbs
Hitta matchen
irregular red, blue, purple, yellow group
Matchande par
Past Simple
Sant eller falskt
Past Simple
Matcha upp
Present Perfect exercises
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Match past simple and base verbs
Matchande par
past tense questions and answers
Matcha upp
Past Simple irregular & regular verbs
Märkt diagram
Past simple jumbled sentences
Blanda inte ihop
Past Simple Sentence Formation
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What did we used to do (2000 and before)?
Slumpmässigt hjul
Adverbs of frequency
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Present Simple (verb-to-be)
Ord magneter
Daily Routine Pictures Cards
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Common verbs Simple present Foundation
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Present simple questions (Wh- words)
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Present Simple
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Free Time Activities - Question Form
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Have/have to
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present simple
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Present Continuous or Present Simple?
Flygande frukt
Present Simple or Present Continuous?
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Present simle and present continuous questions
Slumpmässigt hjul
V1, V2 or V3 Sorting Task
Grupp sortera
Social Media - Sentences and Questions
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E1 Present simple sentences revision
Present Simple Practice
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Wh questions for pre entry and entry 1
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How often do you...?
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E2 personal questions
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SfL E1U1 p3 question word order
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Routine Verbs Wordsearch
Supermarket sentences (adverbs of frequency)
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ESOL: Shopping Sentences (A1-C1)
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Hobbies with like
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Sentence Order
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Talking about Routine
Öppna rutan
NEF Elementary Unit 3C
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Pos+neg+Qs Pres simple
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The Bike Messenger
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E1 Asking and Answering Questions
Slumpmässigt hjul
E2 Present simple questions & short answers (gap fill)
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