

Exempel från vår gemenskap

430 resultat för 'teens'

Future speaking (going to or present continuous)
Future speaking (going to or present continuous) Slumpvisa kort
Present Simple: speaking
Present Simple: speaking Slumpvisa kort
Speaking: nature & environment
Speaking: nature & environment Slumpmässigt hjul
B2 Prepare Taboo Irregular Verbs
B2 Prepare Taboo Irregular Verbs Slumpvisa kort
Hit the teens!
Hit the teens! Träffa-en-mullvad
Tricky teens
Tricky teens Flygplan
Solutions Pre-Int quantifiers
Solutions Pre-Int quantifiers Slumpmässigt hjul
Inventions speaking cards
Inventions speaking cards Slumpvisa kort
teens and tens
teens and tens Slumpmässigt hjul
SM5 At the restaurant
SM5 At the restaurant Blanda inte ihop
Generations: speaking
Generations: speaking Slumpvisa kort
Teens and phones
Teens and phones Avsluta meningen
Movie genres
Movie genres Slumpvisa kort
Entertainment Speaking  B1
Entertainment Speaking B1 Slumpmässigt hjul
body parts
body parts Slumpvisa kort
Appearance Sant eller falskt
Has got (Clothes)
Has got (Clothes) Sant eller falskt
Speaking course teens Verb to BE
Speaking course teens Verb to BE Avsluta meningen
 Adverbs for storytelling А2
Adverbs for storytelling А2 Slumpvisa kort
Making a movie (easy)
Making a movie (easy) Rangordning
Art verbs
Art verbs Grupp sortera
 Present Simple or Continuous (stative verbs)
Present Simple or Continuous (stative verbs) Test
gg 3 How often do you...?
gg 3 How often do you...? Slumpmässigt hjul
Idioms of emotions_gap fill_ LinguaHouse (International Happiness Day)
Idioms of emotions_gap fill_ LinguaHouse (International Happiness Day) Avsluta meningen
Taylor Swift - Blank Space: vocabulary match
Taylor Swift - Blank Space: vocabulary match Hitta matchen
name 3 (WW2)
name 3 (WW2) Öppna rutan
Christmas Wordsearch
School items/ subjects
School items/ subjects Matchande par
Personal qualities
Personal qualities Korsord
Proffesions Test
123 Märkt diagram
Daily routine
Daily routine Avsluta meningen
Main Countries
Main Countries Märkt diagram
Jobs Wordsearch
Telephone survey: books
Telephone survey: books Slumpvisa kort
for & since: speaking practise
for & since: speaking practise Öppna rutan
Family members
Family members Märkt diagram
Personality Slumpvisa kort
Summertime WarmUp
Summertime WarmUp Slumpmässigt hjul
Comparisons B1
Comparisons B1 Slumpmässigt hjul
Landscape Solutions Pre-Int
Landscape Solutions Pre-Int Matcha upp
Sports speaking. Difficult
Sports speaking. Difficult Slumpmässigt hjul
Homework Avsluta meningen
Prepositions of place: quiz
Prepositions of place: quiz Test
s/es/ies Grupp sortera
My family
My family Avsluta meningen
The personal trainer: true or false
The personal trainer: true or false Flash-kort
Återställ sparas automatiskt: ?