
Year 7 English

Exempel från vår gemenskap

10 000+ resultat för 'y7 english'

Find the costumes
Find the costumes Wordsearch
Who works...?
Who works...? Test
Under the sea
Under the sea Bild frågesport
What is this?
What is this? Anagram
Find pets
Find pets Matchande par
Find body parts
Find body parts Wordsearch
Pets Hänga gubbe
Proffesions Matchande par
Toy pairs
Toy pairs Matchande par
Thanksgiving vocabulary
Thanksgiving vocabulary Matchande par
Elements of the house
Elements of the house Hänga gubbe
Easter vocabulary
Easter vocabulary Växla paneler
Is it a banana?
Is it a banana? Sant eller falskt
For/since Grupp sortera
Can it..?
Can it..? Grupp sortera
What is this..?
What is this..? Anagram
Who...? Anagram
Past Simple
Past Simple Matcha upp
What do we take for holiday?
What do we take for holiday? Sant eller falskt
Where do they live...?
Where do they live...? Grupp sortera
Used to speaking cards
Used to speaking cards Slumpvisa kort
L'heure Grupp sortera
Las asignaturas
Las asignaturas Märkt diagram
Circulatory system (early)
Circulatory system (early) Märkt diagram
Vacances Matcha upp
Clothing Hitta matchen
Haustiere Grupp sortera
Schulfacher Year 7 Stimmt 1
Schulfacher Year 7 Stimmt 1 Matcha upp
simple hour.
simple hour. Matcha upp
Old Mc Donald had a farm...
Old Mc Donald had a farm... Hänga gubbe
Capital Letters
Capital Letters Test
Academy Stars 1 Unit 2 He / She / It
Academy Stars 1 Unit 2 He / She / It Test
Academy Stars 1 Unit 2.1 School objects
Academy Stars 1 Unit 2.1 School objects Matcha upp
In the sea
In the sea Märkt diagram
What do we do on holiday?
What do we do on holiday? Anagram
JUST, ALREADY, YET Avsluta meningen
In the pencil case...
In the pencil case... Matcha upp
What is this?
What is this? Hänga gubbe
Spooky quiz
Spooky quiz Test
What can you tell me about..?
What can you tell me about..? Slumpmässigt hjul
Christmas memo
Christmas memo Matchande par
Christmas associations
Christmas associations Anagram
Capital Letters
Capital Letters Gameshow frågesport
SPAG quiz 2016 SATs (basic)
SPAG quiz 2016 SATs (basic) Test
La Ropa
La Ropa Matcha upp
pH Scale
pH Scale Flygplan
Means of land transport
Means of land transport Anagram
Asignaturas - Adjetivos y opiniones
Asignaturas - Adjetivos y opiniones Grupp sortera
Au café match up
Au café match up Matcha upp
Hair and Eyes
Hair and Eyes Hitta matchen
Weather Matcha upp
Mi dormitorio
Mi dormitorio Avsluta meningen
Italian days of the week
Italian days of the week Matcha upp
The verb 'aller'
The verb 'aller' Träffa-en-mullvad
Dynamo 1 Module 1 Unit 1
Dynamo 1 Module 1 Unit 1 Hitta matchen
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