
3-й класс

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AS 3 Unit 4 How much/ How many ?
AS 3 Unit 4 How much/ How many ? Grupp sortera
Starlight 3 Module 3 Irregular plurals
Starlight 3 Module 3 Irregular plurals Matchande par
Starlight 3 (Round-up) Look and write Test
Starlight 3 (Round-up) Look and write Test Anagram
Spotlight 3 Module 5a
Spotlight 3 Module 5a Hitta matchen
Past Simple 1 (Irregular verbs)
Past Simple 1 (Irregular verbs) Matcha upp
this that
this that Test
How old is ____? ____ is ____
How old is ____? ____ is ____ Slumpvisa kort
Rainbow 3 unit 6 ex.2
Rainbow 3 unit 6 ex.2 Test
Present Continuous Sorry!
Present Continuous Sorry! Slumpvisa kort
AS 3 Unit 2 Vocabulary
AS 3 Unit 2 Vocabulary Hänga gubbe
 глаголы 3 класс
глаголы 3 класс Matcha upp
pronoun Grupp sortera
Правила чтения
Правила чтения Slumpvisa kort
ЧАСТИ ТЕЛА И ЛИЦА Märkt diagram
FF2 unit 7
FF2 unit 7 Test
FF2 unit 7
FF2 unit 7 Anagram
Have got/has got +, -, ?
Have got/has got +, -, ? Test
Make a sentence about yesterday (irregular past simple)
Make a sentence about yesterday (irregular past simple) Slumpvisa kort
FH3 unit 22 irregular verbs
FH3 unit 22 irregular verbs Matcha upp
There is ( my house)
There is ( my house) Slumpvisa kort
New year
New year Träffa-en-mullvad
Past Simple 1 (Irregular verbs)
Past Simple 1 (Irregular verbs) Test
Present Continuous|to be
Present Continuous|to be Test
family and friends 2 units 1-5 warm up
family and friends 2 units 1-5 warm up Slumpmässigt hjul
Rainbow 3: Unit 6 профессии
Rainbow 3: Unit 6 профессии Test
падежи Träffa-en-mullvad
Opposites Matcha upp
FF2 unit 6 revision
FF2 unit 6 revision Märkt diagram
Неправильные глаголы + перевод  (1)
Неправильные глаголы + перевод (1) Grupp sortera
Body parts
Body parts Märkt diagram
AS 3 Unit 4 Countable/Uncountable
AS 3 Unit 4 Countable/Uncountable Grupp sortera
In my lunch box
In my lunch box Matcha upp
Senses Test
some any much many
some any much many Sant eller falskt
Present Simple. Time. in the Morning/Afternoon/Evening
Present Simple. Time. in the Morning/Afternoon/Evening Slumpvisa kort
SPOTLIGHT _ 3 _ 3B Test
5а. He loves jelly!!
5а. He loves jelly!! Anagram
 To be - am, is, are +, -
To be - am, is, are +, - Test
Spotlight (4) This/that
Spotlight (4) This/that Test
have you got?
have you got? Blanda inte ihop
FF 3 Unit 15
FF 3 Unit 15 Märkt diagram
Academy stars 3 Unit 6
Academy stars 3 Unit 6 Matcha upp
 Family and friends 3 unit 4
Family and friends 3 unit 4 Test
 starlight 3 In the old house + FF
starlight 3 In the old house + FF Slumpvisa kort
I can/can't quiz
I can/can't quiz Test
-ng phonics
-ng phonics Slumpvisa kort
There is There are
There is There are Blanda inte ihop
SM3 Unit 4 going to
SM3 Unit 4 going to Matcha upp
FF2 unit 3 I can ride a bike
FF2 unit 3 I can ride a bike Matchande par
how many
how many Slumpvisa kort
FF3 Unit 5 Words ANAGRAM
FF3 Unit 5 Words ANAGRAM Anagram
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