English / ESL Esl
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go getter unit 8
Märkt diagram
How did you spend your holidays?
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sh, ch, th
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Sh vs Ch
8B - Reported speech
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2A - Money questions
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Unit 4C - Ed/ing adjectives questions
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Use of English U1 Words with prepositions
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English File, Elementary, 10A - Places
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Present Simple Special questions
English File elementary - Feelings
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English File Beginner, 9A - Travelling
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Modals of deduction - present
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English File Elementary - Practical English 4
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English File elementary - Review (units 4 - 7)
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English File Elementary - Speaking (review 1-3)
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Present Simple or Present Continuous (Unit 5C)
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English File Elementary - Unit 5A - Speaking (can/can't)
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English File Elementary - Unit 4C - Communicative
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English File elementary - Practical English 1, 2 and 3
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Elementary jobs and places of work
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Say antonym adjectives
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reading rule ur er ir
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Telling the date
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English Alphabet A - B
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5a food beginner
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What's the matter?
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2 Unit Discover Starter Places
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Märkt diagram
English File Elementary 4B Verb phrases p.2
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EF elementary Unit 5C London sights
RE3 Numbers 13-20
Märkt diagram
RE2 fruit 4
Märkt diagram
5B - Wish + Past Simple/Would
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Adjectives 2B
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Rainbow English 2 step 57 reading ow ou
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English file beginner possessive pronouns
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EW1 Unit 2
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English Alphabet C - D
RE3 unit 6
RE 2 step 43 reading Ii/Yy
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RE2 step 57 reading ou/ow
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Unit 5 steps 3-5 (food)
EF Elementary, 2A, demonstratives
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3A answer the question
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English File elementary 6B Ordinal numbers Bingo
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Re4 unit 6 weather
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EF Elementary 6B. I think you... (gerund)
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EF Elementary 3A Verb phrases
Can you? 8A beginner
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RE2 step 33 reading Oo
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English Alphabet C - D
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Re2 step 31
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