
Вища освіта Іноземні мови

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Speakout upper intermediate/ Unit 1.2
Speakout upper intermediate/ Unit 1.2 Test
LIKE - DONT LIKE Växla paneler
time - quarter
time - quarter Matcha upp
Cleft sentences
Cleft sentences Öppna rutan
Speakout upper-intermediate/ Unit 1.2
Speakout upper-intermediate/ Unit 1.2 Matcha upp
CZAS PRZESZŁY Labyrint-jakt
Speakout starter/ Unit 4/ Present Simple
Speakout starter/ Unit 4/ Present Simple Test
Months Växla paneler
Possessive case
Possessive case Test
Мій день
Мій день Märkt diagram
Smart Junior 2. Revision 1
Smart Junior 2. Revision 1 Test
Fly High 2. Lessons  13- 14
Fly High 2. Lessons 13- 14 Test
Speakout upper-intermediate/ Unit 1/ Personality
Speakout upper-intermediate/ Unit 1/ Personality Matcha upp
Präpositionen mit DATIV und AKKUSATIV
Präpositionen mit DATIV und AKKUSATIV Grupp sortera
Бази даних
Бази даних Matcha upp
Restaurant Slumpmässigt hjul
Passive Voice
Passive Voice Blanda inte ihop
КОЛЬОРИ АНГЛІЙСЬКОЮ мовою Slumpvisa kort
Describing people/Lucifer
Describing people/Lucifer Slumpvisa kort
Weihnachten Test
Aspekt dokonany i niedokonany
Aspekt dokonany i niedokonany Test
Friendship and family Questions
Friendship and family Questions Slumpmässigt hjul
Tener Matcha upp
Konjunktiv II Was würdest du tun, wenn...
Konjunktiv II Was würdest du tun, wenn... Slumpvisa kort
Job&work Matcha upp
Körperteile Träffa-en-mullvad
Wider World 1. unit 1.5 fashion. clothes
Wider World 1. unit 1.5 fashion. clothes Märkt diagram
Appearance 2
Appearance 2 Anagram
Speaking about TV series, films and programs
Speaking about TV series, films and programs Slumpmässigt hjul
Hobby po polsku B2
Hobby po polsku B2 Gameshow frågesport
Prepositions of place2 (elementary)
Prepositions of place2 (elementary) Märkt diagram
Restaurants Slumpvisa kort
La ville
La ville Märkt diagram
Kein / keine
Kein / keine Test
Outcomes Advanced Unit 6 pp.50-52
Outcomes Advanced Unit 6 pp.50-52 Matcha upp
Прийменники місця
Прийменники місця Märkt diagram
Outcomes Advanced Unit 6 Arguments and discussions
Outcomes Advanced Unit 6 Arguments and discussions Blanda inte ihop
English File Beginner Unit 7A (Vocabulary)
English File Beginner Unit 7A (Vocabulary) Matcha upp
English File Pre Intermediate Unit 2A (Vocabulary; Holidays)
English File Pre Intermediate Unit 2A (Vocabulary; Holidays) Flash-kort
Outcomes Advanced Unit 6 Vocabulary Practice
Outcomes Advanced Unit 6 Vocabulary Practice Avsluta meningen
Zeitangaben um, am, von...bis
Zeitangaben um, am, von...bis Test
Präteritum Test
Meine Familie
Meine Familie Slumpmässigt hjul
Bildbeschreibung «Essen»
Bildbeschreibung «Essen» Flash-kort
Bildbeschreibung «Einkaufen»
Bildbeschreibung «Einkaufen» Flash-kort
Präpositionen mit DATIV & AKKUSATIV
Präpositionen mit DATIV & AKKUSATIV Test
Present Perfect Verbs (pre-intermediate level) Memory Cards
Present Perfect Verbs (pre-intermediate level) Memory Cards Matchande par
Oxford exam trainer B2 unit 4 education 1
Oxford exam trainer B2 unit 4 education 1 Matcha upp
Team Together 2 Unit 5
Team Together 2 Unit 5 Hitta matchen
Speakout starter/ Unit 4/ Present Simple
Speakout starter/ Unit 4/ Present Simple Blanda inte ihop
OBOWIĄZKI DOMOWE_polski Matcha upp
like/ likes
like/ likes Test
Wednesday Addams
Wednesday Addams Anagram
Go Getter 3 Unit 8.3
Go Getter 3 Unit 8.3 Avsluta meningen
Present Sim. or Pres. Cont.
Present Sim. or Pres. Cont. Test
Fly High 2. Unit 14
Fly High 2. Unit 14 Test
smart junior 4 unit 6
smart junior 4 unit 6 Matcha upp
Як світ відчуває тебе сьогодні
Як світ відчуває тебе сьогодні Slumpmässigt hjul
Prepare 7. Ukrainian Edition. Unit 07. Grammar Game 2. Present continuous for future
Prepare 7. Ukrainian Edition. Unit 07. Grammar Game 2. Present continuous for future Grupp sortera
M8. Clothes. Game for Lesson A
M8. Clothes. Game for Lesson A Märkt diagram
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