Exempel från vår gemenskap
156 resultat för 'descriptive'
3D shapes, names and faces
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Geometric Shapes Match Up
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Descriptive Adjectives
Hitta matchen
Descriptive concepts
Descriptive concepts
descriptive concepts
Describing - object or animal
Öppna rutan
What is a Descriptive Adjective?
Gameshow frågesport
Writing prompt
Öppna rutan
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Descriptive Clues
Descriptive Adjectives
Matcha upp
Descriptive Adjectives
Gameshow frågesport
La familia descriptive
Avsluta meningen
Analogies: Descriptive Novice
Avsluta meningen
Find the Descriptive Adjectives
Gameshow frågesport
Is it Descriptive Text Structure?
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Sentences Writing Activity Christmas
Slumpmässigt hjul
Name That Animal
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Choose the right description!
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Minecraft Sentences
Blanda inte ihop
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Descriptive Words
Matchande par
Descriptive Adjectives
Blanda inte ihop
descriptive verbs
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Descriptive word
Öppna rutan
Descriptive adjectives
Matcha upp
Descriptive words
Matcha upp
Descriptive Adjectives
Gameshow frågesport
Descriptive Adjectives Find the Match!
Hitta matchen
Descriptive Phrases
Matcha upp
descriptive text
Descriptive Words
Matchande par
Descriptive Verb
Matcha upp
Descriptive Adjectives
Hitta matchen
descriptive adjectives
Matcha upp
Descriptive Words
Öppna rutan
Descriptive Comparisons
Växla paneler
Descriptive Adjectives
Matcha upp
Descriptive Classifiers
Grupp sortera
Descriptive Words Match UP
Matcha upp
Descriptive adjectives
Hänga gubbe
Descriptive Adjectives
Matcha upp
Descriptive Adjectives
Hitta matchen
Descriptive Techniques
Slumpmässigt hjul
Descriptive text
Descriptive Writing Maze
Descriptive Warm-up
Slumpmässigt hjul
Descriptive words for "soy"
Växla paneler