

Exempel från vår gemenskap

546 resultat för 'sis'

sh or ch?
sh or ch? Test
sh or ch?
sh or ch? Sant eller falskt
K/C/CK Rule
K/C/CK Rule Grupp sortera
FLOSS Rule Öppna rutan
FLOSS Rule Whack-a-Mole
FLOSS Rule Whack-a-Mole Träffa-en-mullvad
ch or tch?
ch or tch? Test
ar/er/or Test
VCe missing word
VCe missing word Avsluta meningen
ng words
ng words Öppna rutan
Dropping Rule
Dropping Rule Test
b or d?
b or d? Test
Noun Sort
Noun Sort Grupp sortera
FLOSS Rule Sort
FLOSS Rule Sort Grupp sortera
Open vs Closed   SIS
Open vs Closed SIS Grupp sortera
Suffix s True/False
Suffix s True/False Sant eller falskt
BB Blend Picture Quiz
BB Blend Picture Quiz Vinn eller förlora frågesport
K rule k c // c k
K rule k c // c k Grupp sortera
g says /g/ or /j/?
g says /g/ or /j/? Grupp sortera
CVC / CCVCC / CCCVCC Öppna rutan
1-1-1 Rule
1-1-1 Rule Test
b or d Whack-a-mole
b or d Whack-a-mole Träffa-en-mullvad
Syllable Quiz
Syllable Quiz Hitta matchen
c says /k/ or /s/?
c says /k/ or /s/? Grupp sortera
Suffix s Bingo Words
Suffix s Bingo Words Slumpvisa kort
i & e sort
i & e sort Grupp sortera
o or oo?
o or oo? Test
a or o saying /o/?
a or o saying /o/? Grupp sortera
AR fill-in end of L4
AR fill-in end of L4 Avsluta meningen
K Rule - a, i, u, e
K Rule - a, i, u, e Grupp sortera
SIS Ending Blend Snatch 1
SIS Ending Blend Snatch 1 Slumpvisa kort
BB/EB Anagrams
BB/EB Anagrams Anagram
BB/EB Missing Word
BB/EB Missing Word Avsluta meningen
Dictionary Quartiles
Dictionary Quartiles Grupp sortera
Ture picture match up
Ture picture match up Matcha upp
c = /s/ or /k/?
c = /s/ or /k/? Träffa-en-mullvad
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