cent - Mom spent 1______., rice - ______ is a grain., race - Did he win the ______?, ace - This card is _____ of hearts, pencil - I write with a _______., stingy - The man was ______ with his money., age - What _____ is she turning?, cage - The dog is in the _______., gel - I like _______ toothpaste., cut - The scissors _____ the ribbon., cave - The bear lives in the _______., clasp - The necklace closes with a _______., grapes - This is a bunch of _______., game - Let me play the _______!, gum - The pack of ______ is green., camping - We go ___________ every year., chop - The man did _______ the wood.,

2-9 OG SDS Lesson - Soft and Hard c and g Hangman (no -dge)


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