Condition or result - noun - -ment, Means quality or state of being - noun - -ness, Means without - adjective - -less, Means the most when comparing three or more objects - -est, Create a plural noun and is used after; s, x, z, sh, ch, and -tch - -es, Means every or like - adverb or adjective - -ly, Adjective - full of - -ful, Makes a word a verb in the present tense - -ing, Creates a plural noun - -s, Means one who or compares - adjective or noun - -er, Creates a verb in the past tense - -ed, Verb: to cause to become, Adjective: Material - -en, Adjective: can or able to - -able, Adjective: full or or possessing - -ous, Adjective: tending to - -ive,




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