Person - God is not an idea or an impersonal force. Like us, He has identity and personality. He is one being in three persons. God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and all work together to accomplish our salvation., Immutable - God does not change. We can count on Him always to be holy, always to be good, always to be faithful, always to love us, always to hate sin. God’s Word is like Him; it does not change., Holy - God is high and lifted up. He is set apart from His creation. God is whole – perfect in goodness and righteousness. No one is like God., Righteous - God is right in all He does and says and plans. God has no sin and is positively perfect. God never lies. He is fair, just and faithful in all He does., Just - God cannot ignore sin because He is holy and every penalty will be fair and right. God does not treat His children as their sins deserve because Jesus suffered the full punishment for our sins. He will never punish His children for the sin for which Jesus paid on the cross., Faithful - From the beginning God has had a plan to restore the world that sin broke and He will do all He has promised: care for and make strong; forgive and make new; protect and purify. He sent His Son to the cross to keep His promise., Merciful - God does not give us what our sins deserve. God seeks those who are lost, alone, hurting and in need and even those who have turned their backs on Him. He forgives and restores those who repent and turn to Him in faith., Guide - God leads us in the way we should go and His Word teaches us how we are to live and think. Because God gives His children the Holy Spirit, they recognize His voice and follow Him in the right way., Gracious - God is kind to those who do not deserve it. God is slow to anger and longs to forgive people. God reaches out powerfully to sinful people and makes them alive in Christ when they were dead in sin. He gives life, families, sunshine, rain, music, talents, etc., as good gifts even to people who do not love Him., Provider - God feeds the birds and gives us our daily bread. He gives a way out of temptation and protects us from evil. Because He gave us His Son, we can trust Him to give us everything else we need., Preserver - God saves our lives for His purpose, and our salvation. Jesus promised that no one can take you out of God’s hand. No temptation, no failure, no person, not even Satan can cause God’s children to lose their salvation., Omniscient - God is never surprised. He knows all there is to know. Nothing is hidden from God. God knows the past and the future; He knows every person even before we are born. He knows the number of our days and all the plans He has for us. He knows what every person thinks, feels, says and does. Only God knows the choices people would make if their circumstances were different., Patient - God could put an end to human rebellion immediately, but God has pity on people whose lives are broken by sin. His plan is to restore creation and reconcile repentant sinners to Himself. Today is the day of salvation, but one day God will come to judge all people., Father - God gives those who believe in Him His Spirit, adopts us into His family and makes us His children. He has a loving relationship that lasts forever with every believer. He speaks to us personally through His Word the Bible, and we speak to Him in prayer. God loves, protects, cares for, trains and disciplines His children., Accessible - From the beginning God has been near and He promised to be in relationship with His people always. God made Himself even nearer to people when He became a man, the Lord Jesus Christ. His Spirit lives in every believer. Whenever you pray, He hears you., Impartial - God saves people regardless of what they have done or will do. He saves people who have families in church and people who do not. He saves people who are rich and those who are poor. He saves people who are smart and those who are not smart. He is always fair. There is nothing anyone can do to force God’s hand, or put God in their debt. God will always do right by every person, in every situation., Sovereign - God controls all things. There is nothing that is outside of God’s wise control, even the exact time and place for each person to live. No one tells God what to do. What God plans, happens. No event, no natural disaster, no person, not even Satan, can stop God’s plans. When God permits evil, we can trust He has planned to use it for His people’s good and His glory. God planned the time for His Son to come the first time and a time for His Son to return. God will accomplish His plan because He alone has power to do it., Incomprehensible - We cannot understand God’s thoughts and ways. God is infinite and eternal; He knows all things. God made human beings in His image, but we are finite and flawed by sin., Invisible - God is Spirit, and we cannot see spirit. We cannot see Him or feel Him physically, just as we cannot see or feel light waves, energy and atoms. However, God has made Himself visible through the person of Jesus Christ. We can experience Jesus’ presence with us now, and we will see Him when He returns., Omnipotent - God has unlimited power, authority and influence and God is the source of power. ,

Attributes of God Lesson 23


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