1) Здравствуйте, привет a) Do you like animals? b) What's the weather like? c) Hello/Hi! d) Where are you from? e) I'm sick. 2) Как дела? a) How are you? b) Hello/Hi c) Can you play the piano? d) Where are you from? e) How old are you? 3) Сколько вам лет? a) What time is it? (What's the time?) b) How old are you? c) Hello/Hi d) My favourite season is winter. e) How are you? 4) Откуда вы родом? a) I'm sick. b) Do you like tomatoes? c) How old are you? d) Where are you from? e) Where are you now? 5) Как вас зовут? a) How old are you? b) What's your name? c) I'm 16. (I'm 16 years old.) d) What's the weather like? e) Where are you now? 6) Ты где сейчас? a) I'm in Italy. b) Where are you now? c) What's the matter? d) I'm from Russia. e) Where are you from? 7) Я родом из России a) I'm sick. b) Can you play the piano? c) What time is it? (What's the time?) d) I'm from Russia. e) I'm in Italy. 8) Я в Италии. a) I'm in Italy. b) What's your name? c) I'm hungry. d) What's the weather like? e) I'm from Russia. 9) Мне 16 лет. a) Are you a pupil? b) What's the matter? c) When is your birthday? d) How old are you? e) I'm 16. (I'm 16 years old.) 10) Я болен (больна). a) What time is it? (What's the time?) b) What's your phone number? c) I'm sick. d) How old are you? e) I'm in Italy. 11) Какое твое любимое время года? a) How are you? b) What is your favourite season? c) What's your name? d) Can you write in English? e) My favourite season is winter. 12) Мое любимое время года - зима. a) Are you a pupil? b) I'm in Italy. c) My favourite season is winter. d) What time is it? (What's the time?) e) What is your favourite season? 13) Ты ученик? a) How old are you? b) Can you play the piano? c) Are you a pupil? d) I'm sick. e) What is your favourite season? 14) Ты любишь животных? a) Do you like animals? b) What's your phone number? c) Are you a pupil? d) Do you like tomatoes? 15) Ты умеешь играть на пианино? a) Can you play the piano? b) I'm in Italy. c) How old are you? d) Can you write in English? e) What is your favourite season? 16) В чем дело? Что случилось? a) I'm from Russia. b) Can you count from 1 to 20? c) When is your birthday? d) What's the matter? e) I'm hungry. 17) Ты умеешь писать по-английски? a) Where are you now? b) Can you write in English? c) What's your phone number? d) I'm hungry. e) Can you read English? 18) Можешь посчитать от 1 до 20? a) I'm sick. b) I'm in Italy. c) What's the matter? d) Can you count from 1 to 20? e) I'm 16. 19) Когда у тебя день рождения? a) I'm sick. b) When is your birthday? c) What's your phone number? d) I'm hungry. e) My birthday is in April. 20) Какой у вас номер телефона? a) How old are you? b) Where are you from? c) What's your phone number? d) I'm in Italy. e) What time is it? (What's the time?) 21) Сколько времени? a) Where are you from? b) How are you? c) When is your birthday? d) What's your phone number? e) What time is it? (What's the time?) 22) Я голоден. a) Can you count from 1 to 20? b) I'm hungry. c) I'm from Russia. d) Where are you from? e) I'm sick. 23) Он хочет пить. a) He's thirsty. b) I'm hungry. c) Where are you from? d) Are you a pupil? e) I'm sick.




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