ACUTE - An angle that measures less than 90 degrees., ACUTE TRIANGLE - A triangle in which each of the three angles is acute (less than 90 degrees)., ADJACENT ANGLES - Two non-overlapping angles that share a common vertex and exactly one ray., ANGLES - Two rays with a common endpoint (the vertex)., ANGLE CONGRUENCE MARKS - Angle marks indicating angles of the same measures., CENTER OF THE CIRCLE - The point equidistant from all points on the circle., COMPLEMENTARY ANGLES - Two angles whose degree measures have a sum of 90 degrees., DEGREE - The measure of an angle where each degree represents 1/360 of a circle., INTERSECTING LINES - Lines that meet or cross at a point., LINE - A set of points that form a straight path that goes in opposite directions without ending., LINE OF SYMMETRY - Line dividing an image into two congruent parts that are mirror images of each other., LINE SEGMENT - Part of a line between two points on the line, called endpoints of the segment., OBTUSE - An angle that measures greater that 90 degrees but less than 180 degrees., OBTUSE TRIANGLE - A triangle that has one obtuse angle (greater than 90 degrees) and two acute angles., PARALLEL LINES - Lines that lie in the same plane, never intersect, and are always the same distance apart., PERPENDICULAR LINES - Lines that intersect at right angles to each other to form square corners., POINT - A specific location in space., PROTRACTOR - A tool used to determine the measure of an angle., RAY - Part of a line that begins at one endpoint and continues without end in one direction., REGULAR FIGURE - A polygon with all sides and angles congruent., RIGHT ANGLE - An angle formed by perpendicular lines that measures exactly 90 degrees., RIGHT TRIANGLE - A triangle with one right angle (exactly 90 degrees) and two acute angles., SIDE CONGRUENCE MARKS - Side marks indicating side lengths of the same measure., STRAIGHT ANGLE - An angle that measures 180 degrees., SUPPLEMENTARY ANGLES - Two angles whose degree measures have a sum of 180 degrees., TRIANGLE - A three sided polygon., IRREGULAR FIGURE - A polygon with sides and/or corners that are not all congruent., CONGRUENT - Of equal size and shape.,

G4 Geometry Vocabulary


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