1) What is a Miracle a) A miracle is someone's favourite food b) A miracle is when something extraordinary that has happened c) A miracle is a skin disease d) A miracle is just luck 2) What is leprosy? a) A place in Galilee b) A type of flower c) A skin diease d) A dog Breed 3) What does it mean to be paralysed? a) When a part of the body is incapable of movement. b) When you can not see c) When you can not hear d) When you have trouble breathing 4) What is one of the types of miracles that Jesus perfomed? a) Singing b) Dancing c) Breathing d) Nature 5) Which of the below is a healing miracle? a) Jesus heals the paralysed man b) Jesus feeds the 5000 c) Jesus walks on water d) Jesus turns water into wine 6) Where did the miracle of the calming of the storm take place? a) Lake Galilee b) Jordan River c) Atlantic ocean d) Pacific ocean 7) How many loaves of bread and fish did Jesus use in the feeding of the 5000? a) 4 loaves and 10 fish b) 5 loaves and 2 fish c) 2 loaves and 5 fish d) 123 loaves and 5 fish 8) How many friends did the paralysed man have? a) 4 b) 10 c) 65 d) none 9) which of the below is a miracle of Jesus? a) Jesus feeds the 4000 b) Jesus turns wine into water c) Jesus flies a kite d) Jesus heals the paralysed man 10) What is a disciple? a) A follower of Jesus b) A kind of fish c) A dog breed d) A type of flower 11) what are the four types of miracles? a) Healing, nature, casting out demons and raising from the dead b) Riding a bike, playing at the park, joining the circus and playing hide and seek c) singing, dancing, breathing, playing d) Maths, English, Re, Science 12) what is the correct definition for Disease? a) An illness that affects the human body and makes you unwell. b) A pizza topping that is yellow and blue c) A stuff animal toy d) The title given to someone who has leporsy. 13) How many baskets of food was left over after Jesus feed the 5000? a) 12 b) 14 c) 2 d) 10 14) which of the below is a ' nature' miracle? a) Jesus heels the 10 lepers b) Jesus calms the storm c) Jesus raises the widows son d) Jesus heels the blind man 15) what is the correct definition of Galilee? a) An area located in Northern Israel. where Jesus performed his miracles. b) A coat that Jesus would wear when performing his miracles. c) A type of medicine that was given to the sick to help them. d) A name given to someone who was a fisherman

The miracles of Jesus



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