1) which is the best i like me michael a) b) c) d) e) f) 2) my both my mom and my dads last name and uncle you can choose one a) cardoso b) martinez c) henandez 3) which you like a) b) c) 4) when was i born a) 2012 b) 2013 c) 2011 5) who gave me toys and cool a) dad b) mom c) uncle 6) ms.wight told miricle she can sit over ther a) yes b) no 7) when did i come to the school a) january b) may c) march d) febuary 8) whats my favorite animal a) cat b) dog c) roger d) or tiger 9) what game do i like best a) minecraft b) fortnite c) pixel craft d) pixlemon minecraft 10) what youtuber do i like a) aphmau b) beckbrojack c) funnhe d) ropo e) nestroi f) forestbono 11) do i like a ps5 or ps4 a) moded ps5 minecraft b) not moded ps4 minecraft

my friends mirabella and pedro and wyatt and angel can play and adrian anyone that is not those people i will kick you out


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